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symbiotic sadness.

symbiotic sadness.

the mountains roar your name and the trees… the trees sing of you and i stand under sobbing skies waiting for answers that the clouds can not provide — it appears we are all in mourning – ashley...
New Book is LIVE.

New Book is LIVE.

Hi all! I’m excited to announce that my new book, The Mums are Filled with Melancholy is now live! Get your copy at Thank you to all who have offered their encouragement and kind words. I hope you enjoy it!
look how far i’ve come.

look how far i’ve come.

i asked you to give me space, and you gave me the most luminous night m a g i c you’ve always known how i love constellations how i search for them when i am overwhelmed in a world that is too much chaos and not enough calm and we sat there watching until they said...
purple skies are calling.

purple skies are calling.

rose blush skies fading into a mauve daydream and she is on a journey between an orchid afternoon, and a lavender evening, but this hush is mulberry tangled up in aubergine, the perfect shade to unveil her latest spell — she is a moon gypsy and she speaks in shades of...